Saturday, December 26, 2009

Last night in the States

I leave tomorrow. Finally! All of the American volunteers, including myself, are at a hotel next to the airport tonight, (near Dulles in DC) because most people had connecting flights in from other parts of the country. Due to pure luck, our flight to Africa leaves from DC, so I did not have to worry about that. I had the chance to spend extra time with the family, which I really appreciated.

The shuttle leaves at 6:30AM for the airport, so I should be sleeping right now. I told some of my group members that they should avoid speaking to me for the first hour or so tomorrow morning because, well. If you've ever crossed paths with me while I haven't had proper sleep, or if it's ohh... before 9AM, you know I'm not a morning person at all.

Our group meeting at the hotel went well. The group I'm going with is diverse and very intelligent. Some, like me, have education backgrounds, some have traveled to Rwanda before, and others have studied and are interested in the area. A lot have science related backgrounds. I'm the only one so far that majored in History in college. I really believe we'll compliment and add to each others' strengths.

Also, I met Kim, who will be teaching at the same school as me and she seems great. She's a runner (as are a few other members of the group) so maybe I'll get in shape while I'm in Africa. Haha. Here's hoping.

Hope you all had an excellent Christmas.

-- Jenn


  1. Hi Sent you a BB txt just to test. Respond if you can. We have access to Internet at Hotel, Skype is up. We got the "we arrived" msg from your leader. Good luck! Daddy

  2. now... I find out you are not a morning person.

    How lucky can you get teaching at a all girl catholic school. That sounds awesome!!!

    Good Luck Jennifer.
